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Hi there, Hoe there!

Here it is:  Our little corner of the internet. We are a family of four, just trying to survive out here in the wild.  Here's the rundown of our gang: K: Lawyer/mom/impulsive crafter with little follow-thru/your humble host T: Full-time student/SAHD to Z J: A very  spirited 4 year old.  Interest include: Octonauts, Paw Patrol, jumping onto unwitting family members' backs, being generally disgruntled about his little sister, cheese crackers. Z: An equally spirited 2 year old who rocks an extra chromosome 21 (also known as Down syndrome).  Interests include: Chasing her big brother, Little Baby Bum, cheese puffs. I had a blog years ago when I was in law school. I don't think anyone ever read it. I don't suppose anyone will read this one. But I thought this might be a cathartic way for me to share my life with, well, me I suppose.  I can't even remember now how I started that first blog; what the first post looked like. Apparently Blogger deleted it in the last

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